
Remember to vote before the end of May 22nd!

Click on this link to vote: You MUST be signed into your AISD email account. Open in a private browser if you can’t open the form because you’re signed into a different email address.


  • Don’t share the link in your browser once you vote. Only share the tinyurl. If you share the link in your browser, other people can see/edit your vote!

Some transparency on how it works:

Only student emails are allowed to vote on the form, so this limits the people that can vote on the form to only those in AISD. There are still two problems though: people can vote from other schools, and people can vote for other grade levels. This is mitigated by compiling lists of the student emails of the people in each grade. These lists are compiled from the gsuite API for the AISD organization. Every fifteen minutes, a program comes through and checks all of the new votes. If your email isn’t in the given list of emails for the grade you put on the form, your vote will be highlighted (and added to a directory of problematic votes) and you will recieve an automatic email letting you know that your vote will be deleted if you don’t do anything. If you actually voted in the correct category but still recieved an email, don’t worry! This is an automatic program and no one is holding judgement against you. Just email with some sort of evidence that you are actually in the grade you voted in and your vote will be counted. The people you vote for will never be connected to your name, even if you vote for the wrong grade.