Prom Moving Forward

Hello Juniors and Seniors!

After some deliberation, the student councils of both LBJ and LASA have decided to move forward with a virtual prom. The event will consist of a Zoom meetup, where attendees will be separated out into a music breakout room of their choice, all with a DJ and different music genres.

Similarly, the week leading up to virtual prom will be a spirit week. Different theme contests will be held each day of the week. Voting for those contests will take place and be announced at virtual prom, along with the announcement of Prom Royalty. More details about what exactly those contests will look like will be released soon.

This event is by no means mandatory, but instead a free, fun event that any junior or senior can participate in. We understand that this cannot act as a full replacement for prom—but rather, something exciting for anyone who wants to attend.

On that note, we need some help in order to make this happen! If you are interested in acting as a DJ for one of the rooms, please fill out this google form:

If you are not planning on attending virtual prom, we will be trying to host other social grade-wide activities soon. Please fill out this google form to let us know what you all may want to do (examples include Minecraft,, and other non-serious activities):

Please let us know if you have any questions. Thank you all for being so patient & helpful as we have been trying to figure this situation out!

– The Junior and Senior Student Council